Hand Tool Headlines

The Woodworking Blogs Aggregator

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Timber Frame Tools

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Timberframing on a small scale and other woodworking tales.
Updated: 1 min 28 sec ago

Checkering a gun stock

Sun, 09/08/2024 - 7:39pm
I recently bought a 94 yr old shotgun.  It was in pretty bad shape.  Over the years, the checkering on the stock had been worn, sanded, refinished until there was only the faintest trace of it remaining.  In most places you could see the dark lines, but could not even feel them with a fingernail.  […]
Categories: General Woodworking

Refininishing an Ithaca Lefever Nitro Special 20ga

Tue, 09/03/2024 - 7:44pm
I own a 16 ga Lefever Nitro Special  that is my favorite shotgun for shooting sporting clays, but it costs me about 50% more for 16 gauge ammo than 12 or 20 ga and the choices of type are also more limited.  So I bid on an auction for a 1929 20 ga version of […]
Categories: General Woodworking

Ithaca Lefever Nitro Special

Mon, 08/05/2024 - 6:49pm
Having had a love of old tools for many years it is probably no surprise that I also like old firearms.  I am not a hunter, I am not opposed to hunting, it just doesn’t suit me.  I am also not a prepper, survivalist, or delta force wanna be.  I am just an older guy […]
Categories: General Woodworking

Tung Oil – Best stock finish

Sun, 08/04/2024 - 2:14pm
As you may know, I am a big fan of pure Tung oil as a finish for many wood surfaces. I use it for most of my furniture as well as tool handles and carvings. I think one place it absolutely shines is firearm stocks.   Why pure Tung Oil is great for wooden stocks […]
Categories: General Woodworking