Hand Tool Headlines
The Woodworking Blogs Aggregator
Norse Woodsmith will be going offline for possibly up to a week during the month of February to attempt a major site upgrade. If it is successful it will return, however it may look wonky for a while while I dial it in. If not successful, well.. then your guess is as good as mine! Thanks in advance for your patience.
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A Luthiers Blog

Project Phoenix: VI........Completed!
Project Phoenix: V
In this episode, I look at making the bridge and tailpiece and then the final assembly. There’s also a bit of as surprise for you??
Project Phoenix: IV
Time to get the neck joint sorted out and think about what happened to the old one!
Project Phoenix: III
With the body back together, the next step is to fully bind the body and also prepare a new neck blank.
Cheers Gary
Project Phoenix: II
In this video the back eventually gets reunited with the rest of the body!
Cheers Gary
Project Phoenix: I
This is a very different project to the usual. I’m starting something (not quite true I started it in 1977!) and I‘m not 100% sure what the outcome will be. Intriguing eh?